Comedy Romance
Spendthrift Willie Hale again returns penniless to the family home in London. His father is none too pleased, but Willie smooth-talks him into letting him stay. At the same time he turns the charm on Dorothy Hope, whose father is big in linoleum and who, before Willie's arrival, was about to become engaged to a Russian aristocrat.
Directed by
George Fitzmaurice
Ronald Colman
Willie Hale
Loretta Young
Dorothy Hope
Florence Britton
Susan Hale
Myrna Loy
Mary Crayle
Frederick Kerr
Lord Leland Hale
Paul Cavanagh
Grand Duke Paul
Forrester Harvey
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Crauford Kent
Arthur Hale
Jack Richardson
Porter (uncredited)
David Torrence
Mr. Hope
Frances Dade
Bidder for Bed (uncredited)
Mary Forbes
Mrs. Hope (uncredited)
Gus Leonard
Pet Shop Owner (uncredited)
Herbert Evans
Racing Fan at Derby (uncredited)
Florence Wix
Racing Fan at Derby (uncredited)
Gordon McLeod
Club Member (uncredited)
Elsie Esmond
Molly - Mary Crayle's Maid (uncredited)
Vesey O'Davoren
Butler (uncredited)
Alexander Pollard
Lord Leland's Butler (uncredited)
Eric Wilton
Racing Fan at Derby (uncredited)

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