Drama Action Fantasy
The film is the beginning of the entire story of Battle Through the Heavens; Xiao Yan, a talented young cultivator, to restore his Dou Qi and regain his dignity, with the guidance of "Yao Lao", leaves Wu Tan City alone and steps into the treacherous and dangerous Magical Beast Mountain Range, the beginning of the trial journey of searching for the Heavenly Flames to improve his cultivation.
Directed by
Zhao Xiaoding
Hu Jing
Gao Shuguang
Yao Lao
Victor Ma
Xiao Yan
Li Jiuxiao
Mu Li
Nita Xia
Queen Medusa
Zhang Hanyu
Xiao Zhan
Jiang Wu
Jin Yangyang
Nalan Yanran
Jiang Zhuojun
Xiao Xun'er
Xu Kelong
Wen Huang

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