Drama Crime Mystery
Rautu ki Beli, an idyllic town in hilly north India, has been virtually crime-free for over 30 years. The inhabitants are bewildered when a school warden is found dead and the police begin investigating – under the leadership of Inspector Negi. Nothing is as easy as it seems when societal stigma, small-town laziness and ‘locals in denial’ get in the way of a seemingly straightforward case.
Directed by
Anand Surapur
Written by
Anand Surapur
Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Inspector Deepak Negi
Narayani Shastri
Warden Sangeeta
Rajesh Kumar
Naresh Dimri
Riya Sisodiya
Anil Rastogi
Atul Tiwari
Tanuj Mehra
Samridhi Chandola
Preeti Sood
Vicky Dutt
Anoop Trivedi
Pratham Rathod
Drishti Gaba
Krutika Pawar

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