Drama Thriller
A tale of revenge that has stood the test of time, Shakespeare’s classic tragedy is reimagined for the modern day as a gripping psychological thriller! Transcending the confines of the stage, the film utilises nearly every room of the Theatre Royal Windsor to transform it into the immortal Elsinore Castle, from basement dungeon to roof-top battlement.
Directed by
Sean Mathias
Ian McKellen
Jenny Seagrove
Queen Gertrude
Frances Barber
First Player / Player Queen / Second Clown
Jonathan Hyde
Lee Knight
Rosencrantz / Guard
Steven Berkoff
Francesca Annis
Missy Malek
Osric / Player Prologue
William Bozier
Player King / Dancer
Ben Allen
Alis Wyn Davies
Emmanuella Cole
Nick Howard-Brown
Player King / Captain / Doctor of Divinity
Llinos Daniel
First Clown / Voltemand / Player Musician
Ashley D Gayle
Marcellus / Player Lucianus / Sailor
Asif Khan
Guildenstern / Guard
Olivia Fines
Player Queen / Dancer
George Olney
Poisoner / Dancer

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