Animation Comedy Fantasy Action Adventure Family
After resolving the problems in the Labyrinth Kingdom, Love Momozono and her friends live a happy life and continue their dance training. Suddenly, the town children's toys start to go missing and the girls agree to help find them. Love Momozono's stuffed rabbit then comes to life and tells the Cures that the Toymajin is responsible. The Fresh Pretty Cure cast then travel to the Kingdom of Toys to save the day!
Directed by
Junji Shimizu
Banjo Ginga
Count Roulette (voice)
Hiromi Tsuru
Usapyon (voice)
Chika Sakamoto
Teddy Bear (voice)
Satomi Korogi
Chiffon (voice)
Eri Kitamura
Miki Aono / Cure Berry (voice)
Akiko Nakagawa
Inori Yamabuki / Cure Pine (voice)
Yuka Komatsu
Setsuna Higashi / Cure Passion (voice)
Kanae Oki
Love Momozono / Cure Peach (voice)
Taiki Matsuno
Tarte (voice)
Kozo Shioya
Toy Majin (voice)

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