Animation Comedy Fantasy Action Adventure Family
In the city of Minato Mirai in Yokohama, the news of Fusion's defeat by the Pretty Cures is the hottest topic in town! Girls everywhere, were in love with the Pretty Cures, are dressing up and acting as their favourite Cures. Only Sakagami Ayumi, the new transfer student, is alone by herself. On her way home from school, Ayumi encounters a strange creature. After naming it Fuu-chan, Ayumi and the creature soon become good friends. However, Fuu-chan is actually a piece of Fusion, and holds the power of darkness. In an effort to make Ayumi happy, Fuu-chan swallows up everything that Ayumi dislikes, creating chaos in school and throughout the city! To help bring across Ayumi's true feelings to Fuu-chan, all 28 Pretty Cures were gathered once more. When everyone's power comes together, a miraculous light starts to shine.
Directed by
Junji Shimizu
Written by
Yoshimi Narita
Chinami Nishimura
Reika Aoki / Cure Beauty (voice)
Nana Mizuki
Tsubomi Hanasaki / Cure Blossom (voice)
Takehito Koyasu
Marina Inoue
Nao Midorikawa / Cure March (voice)
Aya Hisakawa
Yuri Tsukikage / Cure Moonlight (voice)
Kotono Mitsuishi
Kappei Yamaguchi
Mamiko Noto
Ayumi Sakagami / Cure Echo (voice)
Tomokazu Seki
Ikue Otani
Ami Koshimizu
Hibiki Hojo / Cure Melody (voice)
Akiko Yajima
Megumi Toyoguchi
Ellen Kurokawa / Siren / Cure Beat (voice)
Honoko Yukishiro / Cure White (voice)
Satomi Korogi
Fumiko Orikasa
Kanade Minamino / Cure Rhythm (voice)
Haruna Ikezawa
Houko Kuwashima
Itsuki Myōdōin / Cure Sunshine (voice)
Eri Kitamura
Miki Aono / Cure Berry (voice)
Hisako Kanemoto
Yayoi Kise / Cure Peace (voice)
Rumi Okubo
Ako Shirabe / Cure Muse (voice)
Misato Fukuen
Miyuki Hoshizora / Cure Happy (voice)
Akiko Nakagawa
Inori Yamabuki / Cure Pine (voice)
Cocoro Kikuchi
Yuka Komatsu
Setsuna Higashi / Cure Passion (voice)
Kanae Oki
Love Momozono / Cure Peach (voice)
Yoko Honna
Nagisa Misumi / Cure Black (voice)
Asami Tano
Akane Hino / Cure Sunny (voice)
Fumie Mizusawa
Erika Kurumi / Cure Marine (voice)
Motoko Kumai
Taiki Matsuno
Miyu Matsuki
Taeko Kawata
Sea Kumada
Tamao Akae
Ayumi's mother

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