Action Crime Fantasy
An undercover agent is assigned by his corrupt chief to infiltrate a rival department and sabotage their investigation of counterfeit currency. What he discovers is the counterfeiter's real plan. To overthrow the capital. Not by flooding it with funny money, but with an army of undead.
Directed by
Janet Chun Siu-Chun, Gordon Chan
Written by
Frankie Tam, Maria Wong Si-Man, Gordon Chan
Wu Xiubo
An Shigeng - The God of Wealth
Liu Yifei
Anthony Wong Chau-Sang
Zhuge Zhenwo
Collin Chou
Tie Yourda (Iron Hands)
Ronald Cheng
Cui Lueshang (Life Snatcher)
Bao Bei Er
Big Wolf
Cheng Taishen
Sheriff King
Miao Chi
Da Yong
Jiang Yiyan
Ji Yaohua
Emma Wu
Ding Dong
Deng Chao
Leng Lingqi (Coldblood)
Waise Lee Chi-Hung
Sheren Tang
Aunt Foise
Tenky Tin Kai-Man
Anna Fang
Ryu Kohata
Zhang Zhihong
Mysterious Man
Peng Zhi
Chi Miao
Tina Xiang
Manli Cui
An's servant girl
Yuki Li
Feng Ming
Angela Qiu

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