Comedy Drama
Richard Lewis plays coach Steven Adler, a one time high profile division one college basketball coach haunted by the demon of having lost five championship titles. Now he finds himself wasting away in a slack-jawed, low profile town coaching a second rate college program. Once again, he has miraculously brought this unlikely team to the finals. As his behavior on the day of the championship game indicates, he is far more successful at the game of basketball than the game of life. The question remains: if he finally wins the big game, will Coach Adler get his life back on track or is he already too far gone... ?
Directed by
Steve Klein
Written by
Steve Klein
Richard Lewis
Steve Adler
Brad Beyer
Frank Gorshin
Sam Segal
Valorie Hubbard
Big Bertha
Gerry Becker
Fred Wilson
Alicia Minshew
Suzie Wilson
Robert Petkoff
Flashy Agent Guy
Sean Squire
Harrison Williams
Kenny Albert
Lee Bryan
Helen Wilson
Richard 'Batt' Johnson
Nicole Bradin
Hillel Meltzer
Moron Boy
Jaliyl Lynn
Jim Marcus
Father Donahue

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