Adventure Fantasy
Blowing like a wind and a cloud, a blue-eyed female ninja with a painful destiny has arrived! A blue-eyed ninja, Hijiri, is a fierce and cold-blooded assassin. She encounters a thief after the scroll of esoteric immortality from the treasure house of a Christian daimyo, Rokusha, and she gets into a sword fight with him. In the close battle, she is wounded, but is rescued by a Christian named Seitaro, and they begin falling for each other. But her happy days don’t last. Openly critical of Christianity, “a bad foreign religion”, the Dainichi Shinkyo weaves dark intrigues to kill Hijiri and Christians.
Directed by
Jirō Ishikawa
Written by
Kotaro Ando
Saori Hara
Akari Hoshino
Mutsuo Yoshioka
Ryou Jinbo
Lord Jougen
Saburou Kouga
Takahiro Tsutsumi
Kazuo Tsuji
Masahiko Itoh
Sumataido Naito
Hitomi Serena

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