Romance Comedy Family
When high-powered executive Samantha LeBon hatches a scheme to spend a romantic Christmas with her new employee – the unsuspecting, blithesome James – his wife, their kids and their two dogs, Rocks and Daphne, must rescue him before he makes a terrible mistake.
Directed by
Tom Ropelewski
Written by
Tom Ropelewski, Leslie Dixon
John Travolta
James Ubriacco
Diane Keaton
Daphne (voice)
George Segal
Danny DeVito
Rocks (voice)
Kirstie Alley
Mollie Ubriacco
Lysette Anthony
Samantha LeBon
David Gallagher
Mikey Ubriacco
Charles Barkley
Charles Barkley
Campbell Lane
Mollie's Dad
Tabitha Lupien
Julie Ubriacco
Olympia Dukakis
Serge Houde
Maître D'
Frank C. Turner
Andrea Nemeth

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