Comedy Horror Thriller
When secretive new neighbors move in next door, suburbanite Ray Peterson and his friends let their paranoia get the best of them as they start to suspect the newcomers of evildoings and commence an investigation. But it's hardly how Ray, who much prefers drinking beer, reading his newspaper and watching a ball game on the tube expected to spend his vacation.
Directed by
Joe Dante
Written by
Dana Olsen
Tom Hanks
Ray Peterson
Bruce Dern
Lt. Mark Rumsfield
Corey Feldman
Ricky Butler
Rance Howard
Detective #2
Cory Danziger
Dave Peterson
Robert Picardo
Joe, Garbageman #2
Dick Miller
Vic, Garbageman #1
Carrie Fisher
Carol Peterson
Bill Stevenson
Ricky's Friend
Archie Hahn
Voiceover Actor
Kevin McCarthy
Ray’s Boss (uncredited)
Henry Gibson
Dr. Werner Klopek
Wendy Schaal
Bonnie Rumsfield
Billy Jayne
Voiceover Actor
Leigh French
Voiceover Actor
Franklyn Ajaye
Detective #1
Patrika Darbo
Suzanne Weingartner
Courtney Gains
Hans Klopek
Kevin Gage
Theodore Gottlieb
Uncle Reuben Klopek
Rick Ducommun
Art Weingartner
Nicky Katt
Steve Kuntz
Gigi Vorgan
Voiceover Actor
Jeffrey Kramer
Voiceover Actor
Moosie Drier
Voiceover Actor
Gary Epper
Arnold F. Turner
Voiceover Actor
George P. Wilbur
Carey Scott
Ricky’s friend (uncredited)
Gary Morgan
Sonny Carl Davis
Voiceover Actor
Jeff Ramsey
Gale Gordon
Walter Seznick
Lynne Marie Stewart
Voiceover Actor
Heather Haase
Ricky's Girlfriend
Gary Hays
Ricky's Friend
Brenda Benner
Walter's Daughter
Phyllis Katz
Voiceover Actor
Tony Westbrook
Kid on Bike (Uncredited)
Brian J. Williams
Ray Saniger
Wally Rose
Frank Orsatti

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