Sci-Fi Adventure Drama
The Doctor and his friends find themselves in the lost city of Atlantis, where the crazed Professor Zaroff has convinced the people of Atlantis that he can raise their sunken city from beneath the sea. However, the Doctor discovers a terrible secret behind Zaroff's plan — a secret that could destroy all life on Earth.
Directed by
AnneMarie Walsh
Written by
Geoffrey Orme
Frazer Hines
Jamie McCrimmon (voice)
Colin Jeavons
Damon (voice)
Patrick Troughton
The Doctor (voice)
Joseph Fürst
Zaroff (voice)
Anneke Wills
Polly Wright (voice)
Michael Craze
Ben Jackson (voice)
Noel Johnson
King Thous (voice)
Tom Watson
Ramo (voice)
Peter Stephens
Lolem (voice)
Catherine Howe
Ara (voice)
P.G. Stephens
Sean (voice)
Paul Anil
Jacko (voice)
Roma Woodnutt
Nola (voice)

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