Comedy Adventure
While attempting to seduce gorgeous lawyer Diane Lightson, wealthy gadabout Chris Thorne agrees to drive her to Atlantic City, N.J. But, when some reckless driving draws the attention of a deeply critical cop, they and the flamboyant "Brazillionaires" who tagged along end up in the court of a grotesque and vengeful judge, who has a special vendetta against the wealthy and erudite.
Directed by
Dan Aykroyd
Demi Moore
Diane Lightson
Chevy Chase
Chris Thorne
Dan Aykroyd
Judge Alvin 'J.P' Valkenheiser / Bobo
Daniel Baldwin
Taylor Negron
Fausto Squiriniszu
Tupac Shakur
Digital Underground Member
John Candy
Dennis / Eldona
Brian Doyle-Murray
Valri Bromfield
Miss Purdah
Gianna Amore
Party Girl
Diana Cuevas
John Wesley
Raymond J. Barry
Bertila Damas
Renalda Squiriniszu
Roger Grimsby
TV Anchor
Catherine Quinn
Party Goer
Paul LeClair
Party Goer
Shock G
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
James Staszkiel
Dealer #2
Deborah Lee Johnson
Dealer #1's Girlfriend
Karla Tamburrelli
Dealer #2's Girlfriend
John Daveikis
L'il Debbull
Earl Dixon
Porch Person
P.H. Aykroyd
Porch Person
Richard Kruk
Porch Person
Laurence Bilzerian
Town Biker
Isaac Tigrett
Town Biker
Ron Ulstad
Party Goer
Stan Garner
Train Master
James Frank Clark
Train Engineer
Jeffrey P. Baggett
State Trooper
Kristina Kell
State Trooper
Gary Velasco
State Trooper
Susan Campos
TV Reporter
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Chopmaster J
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Kent Racker
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Nzazi Muhammed
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Karen Croney
Party Girl
D'Andrea Bryant
Party Girl
Jennifer Van Buskirk
Party Girl

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