Comedy Fantasy
Marshall, a lazy couch dweller, gets thrown in Wonderland on the day of his job interview and must make it back before he gets kicked out of his sister's apartment.
Directed by
Brandon Rose
Written by
Brandon Rose
Brandon Rose
Ethan Metcalf
Cheshire Cat (voice) / Mouse #2 / Catapilla's dad (body)
Kaitlyn Dewitt
Mouse Leader/ Mock Turtle
Shea Goebel
Alice / The Knave
Parker Miles
White Rabbit
Donovan Roswall
Ore / Mad Hatter
Space Lynn
March Hare / Mouse #3 / Gryphon
Ryan Hack
Catapilla (voice)
Ben King
Ben King the Lizard
Ryan Beck
Matthew Lichtsteiner
James Hilyard
Charity Blanton
Red Queen
Elijah Bunn
The King / Catapilla Dad (voice)
Isaac Wilcher
Dormouse (voice)

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