Fantasy Drama Comedy Sci-Fi
The life of a student named Kanou is transformed when a tiny man informs him that Earth will soon be annihilated. Kanou decides to do just as he pleases with the time he has left, leading to strange adventures that could be real -- or just a dream.
Directed by
Eiji Uchida
Written by
Eiji Uchida
Kiyohiko Shibukawa
Party Host
Ryo Iwamatsu
Kiriko Shimizu
Yuya Matsuura
Tetsushi Tanaka
Detective Sonoda
Asaya Kimijima
Takeshi Yamamoto
Ryuzo Tanaka
Miyuki Tanigawa
Jyonmyon Pe
Sora Tôma
Chieko Imaizumi
Yûko Hosoe
Maki Kuwahara
Mitsuji Saitô
Shigeru Harihara
Yukio Tsukamoto

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