Drama Comedy Family
On the brink of her 30th birthday, Fanny feels the door to marital happiness closing on her. She is obsessed with death and even visits evening classes on dying, so it seems fitting that she encounters a skeleton in the malfunctioning elevator of her apartment building. The skeleton is her neighbour Orfeo, a Black, gay, self-declared psychic, who convinces her that she is about to meet "him". But is it really Lothar, the new yuppie apartment manager ...?
Directed by
Doris Dörrie
Maria Schrader
Fanny Fink
Oliver Nägele
Herr Froh
Ömer Simsek
Bankangestellter (Bank employee)
Elisabeth Trissenaar
Michael von Au
Lothar Sticker
Ingo Naujoks
Lasse Laengsfeld
Joachim Król
Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss
Orfeo de Altamar
Peggy Parnass
Frau Radebrecht

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