Animation Family
On the night before Halloween, the Evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs plans to conquer Halloween, and asks her cauldron to show you several villains, to which one of them helps her in her plan, such as Peg Leg Pete from Mickey & Co., Ursula from The Little Mermaid, Captain Hook from Peter Pan, Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove, Professor Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective, Alameda Slim from Home on the Range, and Judge Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame The cauldron also explains its origins and The Horned King, both from The Black Cauldron.
Directed by
Jamie Mitchell
Eartha Kitt
Patrick Warburton
Corey Burton
Cauldron (voice)
Vincent Price
Professor Ratigan
Jodi Benson
John Hurt
The Horned King
Alan Young
Mr. Flaversham
Tony Jay
Judge Claude Frollo
Pat Carroll
Performer of "Sidekicks and Henchmen"; Ursula (archive voice)
Phil Fondacaro
Bill Thompson
Mr. Smee
Randy Quaid
Alameda Slim
Billy Bletcher
Tiny Tom (Peg Leg Pete)
Nigel Hawthorne
Fflewddur Fflam
Hans Conried
Captain Hook
John Byner
Candy Candido
Billie Hayes
Clarence Nash
Donald Duck
Susanne Blakeslee
The Evil Queen (voice)
Grant Bardsley
Susan Sheridan
Princess Eilonwy
Eda Reiss Merin
Adele Malis-Morey
Susanne Pollatschek
Olivia Flaversham
Sam Levine
The Willie Brothers

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