Western Action Comedy
After Cacopoulos manages to save himself from being hung on a false charge, he robs Cat Stevens and Hutch Bessy of a lot of money and steals their horses. This results in a merry chase and Stevens and Bessy become unwilling allies in Cacopoulus' revenge against the people who deserted him and framed him to get their money back.
Directed by
Giuseppe Colizzi
Terence Hill
Cat Stevens
Eli Wallach
Bud Spencer
Hutch Bessy
Brock Peters
Kevin McCarthy
Angelo Casadei
Roulette Player (uncredited)
Quinto Marziali
Casino Guest (uncredited)
Bruno Corazzari
Corrado Olmi
Steffen Zacharias
Frank Braña
Man With Jail Kay
Armando Bandini
Bank Manager
Livio Lorenzon
Paco Rosa
Giancarlo Badessi
Man with Moustache Promoting the Black Boxer (uncredited)
Remo Capitani
Arnaldo Caivano
Townsman at Boxing Match (uncredited)
Riccardo Pizzuti
Drake's Henchman
Franco Gulà
Al - Oldtimer (uncredited)
Isa Foster
Cacopoulos' Woman
Giuseppe Terranova
Casino Treasurer
José María Tasso
Photographer (uncredited)
Fulvio Pellegrino
Drunken Man (uncredited)
Leroy Haynes
Prize boxer (uncredited)
Renato Moretti
Vicente Roca
Ramirez, Court Martial Member (uncredited)
Tiffany Hoyveld
Thomas' Wife
Gildo Di Marco
Henchman Choked by Hutch Bessy (uncredited)
Aldo Sala
Casino Employee
Federico Boido
Drake's Henchman
Dante Cleri
Card-Playing Banker
Antonietta Fiorito
Edoardo Torricella
Roulette Player
Luciano Telli
Roulette Player
Roger Beaumont
Croupier (uncredited)
Mel Gaines
Drake Henchman (uncredited)
Carlo Landa
Roulette Player (uncredited)
Gino Marturano
Drake Henchman (uncredited)
Enzo Santaniello
Irish Family's Boy (uncredited)
Simonetta Santaniello
Irish Family's Daughter (uncredited)

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