Comedy Crime
Father Brown is only too happy to interfere with the work of the police in solving tricky criminal cases, usually with resounding success. That's why the clergyman is transferred to a sleepy island called Abbott's Rock. At first, nothing happens there, but somehow Father Brown seems to be attracted to crime: Soon a gang of thieves is up to no good on the island. So Brown makes the headlines again, and is punitively transferred once more. This time he finds himself in a quiet Irish millionaire community.
Directed by
Axel von Ambesser
Rosl Mayr
Woman in Store
Ruth-Maria Kubitschek
Mrs. Holland
Horst Tappert
Lina Carstens
Mrs. Smith
Rudolf Forster
Rainer Penkert
Lord Gilbert Darroway
Grit Boettcher
Siegfried Wischnewski
Inspektor O'Connally
Peter Ehrlich
Fitzpatrick O'Leary
Heinz Rühmann
Father Brown
Uli Steigberg
Oliver Lynn
Axel von Ambesser
Hans-Dieter Jendreyko
Horst Giese
Emmerich Schrenk
E.O. Fuhrmann
Paul Glawion
Otto Schmöle
Lord Bannister
Peter Parten
Bruce Payne

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