Romance Drama Fantasy
Jay, a failed musician, walked out of his family and now earns a living as head bartender in a trendy London pub. Every Wednesday afternoon a woman comes to his house for graphic, almost wordless, sex. One day Jay follows her and finds out about the rest of her life. This eventually disrupts their relationship.
Directed by
Patrice Chéreau
Mark Rylance
Timothy Spall
Andy, Claire's husband
Marianne Faithfull
Colm Meaney
Kerry Fox
Amy Lindsay
Young Girl (as Katie Campbell)
Georgina Rylance
Woman from Museum
Susannah Harker
Susan, Jay's wife
Marcello Walton
Tom in 'The Glass Menagerie'
Philippe Calvario
Alastair Galbraith
Rebecca Palmer
Pam, girl in squat
Sian Reeves
Woman at Audition
Tom Frederic
Robert Addie
Bar Owner
Paola Dionisotti
Amanda in 'The Glass Menagerie'
Emma Clifford
Joe Prospero
Claire's Son
Fraser Ayres
Michael Fitzgerald
Bar Owner
Deborah McLaren
Student at the Drama School
Greg Sheffield
Jay's Child
Vinnie Hunter
Jay's Child
Ben Pace

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