Adventure Animation Drama
When the warren belonging to a community of rabbits is threatened, a brave group led by Fiver, Bigwig, Blackberry and Hazel leave their homeland in a search of a safe new haven.
Directed by
Martin Rosen
Written by
John Hubley
Richard Briers
Fiver (voice)
John Hurt
Hazel (voice)
Hannah Gordon
Hyzenthlay (voice)
Nigel Hawthorne
Captain Campion (voice)
Joss Ackland
Black Rabbit (voice)
Art Garfunkel
Denholm Elliott
Cowslip (voice)
Simon Cadell
Blackberry (voice)
Michael Hordern
Frith (voice)
John Bennett
Captain Holly (voice)
Lynn Farleigh
Cat (voice)
Harry Andrews
General Woundwort (voice)
Derek Griffiths
Vervain (voice)
Zero Mostel
Kehaar (voice)
Ralph Richardson
Chief Rabbit (voice)
Roy Kinnear
Pipkin (voice)
Terence Rigby
Silver (voice)
Richard O'Callaghan
Dandelion (voice)
Clifton Jones
Blackavar (voice)
Michael Graham Cox
Bigwig (voice)
Mary Maddox
Clover (voice)
Michelle Price
Lucy (voice)
Maggie Brown
Philip Campbell

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