Fantasy Comedy
A medieval tale with Pythonesque humour: After the death of his father the young Dennis Cooper goes to town where he has to pass several adventures. The town and the whole kingdom is threatened by a terrible monster called 'Jabberwocky'. Will Dennis make his fortune? Is anyone brave enough to defeat the monster?
Directed by
Terry Gilliam
Annette Badland
Griselda Fishfinger
David Prowse
Red Herring / Black Knight
John Sharp
Sergeant at the Gate
Michael Palin
Dennis Cooper
Brian Glover
Graham Crowden
Fanatics' Leader
Rodney Bewes
The Other Squire
Peter Cellier
1st Merchant
Warren Mitchell
Mr. Fishfinger
Simon Williams
The Prince
Antony Carrick
3rd Merchant
Bryan Pringle
Guard at the Gate
Roy Evans
Kenneth Colley
1st Fanatic
Alexandra Dane
Landlord's Wife
Janine Duvitski
John Bird
1st Herald
Bernard Bresslaw
The Landlord
Gorden Kaye
Sister Jessica
Neil Innes
2nd Herald
Terry Jones
Derek Deadman
Apprentice Armourer
Harold Goodwin
1st Peasant
Derrick O'Connor
Flying Hogfish Peasant
Deborah Fallender
The Princess
Derek Francis
John Le Mesurier
Max Wall
King Bruno the Questionable
Frank Williams
2nd Merchant
Tony Aitken
Jerold Wells
Wat Dabney
Sheridan Earl Russell
Kevin Fishfinger
Harry H. Corbett
Christopher Logue
Spaghetti Eating Fanatic
Brenda Cowling
Mrs Fishfinger
Bill Gavin
Old Man with Petition
Hilary Sesta
Paul Curran
Mr Cooper Snr

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