Comedy Romance
After leaving Washington D.C. hospital, plastic surgeon Ben Stone heads for California, where a lucrative practice in Beverly Hills awaits. After a car accident, he's sentenced to perform as the community's general practitioner.
Directed by
Michael Caton-Jones
Woody Harrelson
Hank Gordon
Julie Warner
Vialula (Lou)
George Hamilton
Doctor Halberstrom
Roberts Blossom
Judge Evans
Bridget Fonda
Nancy Lee Nicholson
Michael J. Fox
Benjamin Stone
Barnard Hughes
Aurelius Hogue
David Ogden Stiers
Mayor Nick Nicholson
Frances Sternhagen
Lillian, Welcoming Committee
Helen Martin
Maddie, Welcoming Committee
Billy Gillespie
Zeb's Father
Cristi Conaway
Receptionist at Halberstrom Clinic
Amzie Strickland
Violet, Welcoming Committee
Jordan Lund
John Crawford
Time Winters
Kyle Owens
Mel Winkler
Melvin the Mechanic
Macon McCalman
Aubrey Draper
Eyde Byrde
Nurse Packer
Raye Birk
Simon Tidwell, First Patient
Kelly Jo Minter
Barry Sobel
Dr. Tommy Shulman
K.T. Vogt
Mary Owens
Tom Lacy
Deputy Cotton
William Cowart
Lane, Melvin's Helper
Robert Munns
Mortimer the Barber
Douglas Brush
Amanda Junette Donatelli
Emma, Lou's Daughter
Kathy Poling
Zeb's Mother
Eric Bechtel
Daniel Cerny
Boy with spider
Janis Bjorkland
Girl with spider
Ted Davis
Taxi Driver

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