Comedy Drama
After inheriting a large country estate from his late father, Peter invites his friends from college: married couple Roger and Mary, the lonely Maggie, fashionable Sarah, and writer Andrew, who brings his American TV star wife, Carol. Sarah's new boyfriend, Brian, also attends. It has been 10 years since college, and they find their lives are very different.
Directed by
Kenneth Branagh
Written by
Martin Bergman, Rita Rudner
Emma Thompson
Maggie Chester
Hugh Laurie
Roger Charleston
Kenneth Branagh
Andrew Benson
Richard Briers
Lord Morton
Stephen Fry
Peter Morton
Imelda Staunton
Mary Charleston
Phyllida Law
Rita Rudner
Carol Benson
Nicola Wright
Brian's Wife
Alphonsia Emmanuel
Sarah Johnson
Marcus Graham
Tony Slattery
Edward Jewesbury
Mr. Gooch
Alex Lowe
Paul (aged 17)
Alex Scott
Paul (aged 7)
Hetta Charnley
Woman at Airport
Ann Davies
Magdalena Buznea
Old Lady
Bill Parfitt
Ben Charleston
Chris Pickles

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