Drama Comedy Romance TV Movie
Eva Jensen is a female carpenter form Hamburg who wants to make a new start on the Baltic Sea coast in eastern Germany. She tries to buy a workshop with a view of the sea offered for sale by Heide, who rents out beach chairs. Unfortunately, Heide’s ex-husband vetoes the sale. In trying to understand his reasons, Eva comes across a painful family secret from the days of the GDR. And in other respects too, the newcomer from the West faces prejudice in the village, although her skills are urgently needed. Fish-seller Christian is also interested in the workshop, which Eva just sees as fair competition. Then they discover a common passion, kite-surfing, and unexpectedly grow closer.
Directed by
Joana Vogdt
Written by
Sarah Esser
Jutta Wachowiak
Heide Kniepholt
Gunnar Helm
Herr Welter
Hermann Beyer
Hinrich Kniepholt
Elisabeth Degen
Jana Bartelsen
Jennifer Ulrich
Eva Jensen
Tim Ehlert
Maik Petersen
Vasiliki Roussi
Eleni Samaras
Christian Grashof
Herr Lüdtke
Claudia Geisler-Bading
Trine Sanchez
Max Woelky
Christian Petersen
Christa Rockstroh
Frau Lüdtke
Anette Daugardt
Frau Gielow
Petra Frank
Sylvia Karow
Yvonne Calsson
Matteo Burdack
Malte Petersen
Paula Fischer
Mia Petersen
Mia Sophie Bamberg
Eva als Kind
Auguste Hübner
Evas Schwester als Kind

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