Horror Anthology Volume 1
"Babygirl" follows a psycho who wishes to raise his victim as a baby. "Goodnight Darling" follows a daughter suspicious that her mother is different. "Beast of Prey" features a woman attempting to evade a monster. "Changeling" follows a mother with a mysterious child. "Night Swim" a woman at a pool sees spirits. "Polaroid" follows a man as he uses a camera in self-defense. "Landgraves" features a man interviewing a metal band accused of murder. "Every Night I See Them" follows a man trying to keep himself awake. "Mommy" makes dinner while watching her child on a camera.
Directed by
Jean-François Leblanc, Adam Azimov, Bryce McGuire, Danny Donahue, Ryan Godoy, Rod Blackhurst, Faye Jackson, Joey Greene
Written by
Oliver Harwood, Adam Azimov, Isaac Cravit, Cade Scott, Danny Donahue, Ryan Godoy, Rod Blackhurst, Faye Jackson, Alexandre Auger, Joey Greene