Drama History Romance
The life of Camille Claudel, a French sculptor who becomes the apprentice of Auguste Rodin and later his lover. Her passion for her art and Rodin drive her further away from reason and rationality.
Directed by
Bruno Nuytten
Isabelle Adjani
Camille Claudel
Gérard Depardieu
Auguste Rodin
Hester Wilcox
Laurent Grévill
Paul Claudel
Maxime Leroux
Claude Debussy
Madeleine Robinson
Louise-Athanaise Claudel
Roch Leibovici
P'tit Louis
Katrine Boorman
Jessie Lipscomb
Roger Planchon
Alain Cuny
Louis-Prosper Claudel
Gérard Baume
Aurelle Doazan
Louise Claudel
Danièle Lebrun
Rose Beuret
Jean-Pierre Sentier
Philippe Clévenot
Eugène Blot
Madeleine Marie
Ariane Kah
The crouching woman

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