Family Animation Fantasy Adventure
A widowed field mouse must move her family -- including an ailing son -- to escape a farmer's plow. Aided by a crow and a pack of superintelligent, escaped lab rats, the brave mother struggles to transplant her home to firmer ground.
Directed by
Don Bluth
Shannen Doherty
Teresa (voice)
Wil Wheaton
Martin (voice)
Derek Jacobi
Nicodemus (voice)
Elizabeth Hartman
Mrs. Brisby (voice)
Paul Shenar
Jenner (voice)
Dom DeLuise
Jeremy (voice)
Aldo Ray
Sullivan (voice)
John Carradine
Great Owl (voice)
Hermione Baddeley
Auntie Shrew (voice)
Peter Strauss
Justin (voice)
Arthur Malet
Mr. Ages (voice)
Lucille Bliss
Mrs. Fitzgibbons (voice)
Jodi Hicks
Cynthia (voice)
Ina Fried
Timothy (voice)
Tom Hatten
Farmer Fitzgibbons (voice)
Norbert Auerbach
Councilman 1 (voice)
Dick Kleiner
Councilman 2 (voice)
Charles Champlin
Councilman 3 (voice)
Joshua Lawrence
Billy Fitzgibbons (voice)
Will Finn

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