Crime Drama
Set during Prohibition, the movie centers on Touhy's rise from small time thug to the city's most powerful bootlegger whose empire is rivaled only by that of Al Capone (who is referred to, but never named in the story). It is his rival who frames Touhy for kidnapping and arranges for him to serve a life-long term in Stateville prison. Determined to be free again, the desperate Touhy and his cellmate Basil "the Owl" Banghart, begin plotting a violent break out.
Directed by
Robert Florey
Anthony Quinn
George Carroll
Harry Morgan
Thomas "Smoke" Reardon
Roy Roberts
Frank Williams - FBI Chief (uncredited)
Addison Richards
Priest (uncredited)
Bess Flowers
Daisy's Courtroom Companion (uncredited)
Kent Taylor
Steve Warren
George E. Stone
"Ice Box" Hamilton
Byron Foulger
Court Clerk (uncredited)
Victor McLaglen
Herman "Owl" Banghart
Moroni Olsen
Grant Withers
FBI Man Detaining 'Ice Box' (uncredited)
Reed Hadley
FBI Agent Boyden
John Archer
FBI Agent Kerrigan
Charles Lang
FBI Agent
Frank Jenks
Bernard "Troubles" O'Connor
William Post Jr.
Joseph P. Sutton
Kane Richmond
Preston Foster
Roger Touhy
Frank Orth
. Comic in Theater (uncredited)
Trudy Marshall
Matt Briggs
Lois Andrews

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