Adventure Family Fantasy
On another planet in the distant past, a Gelfling embarks on a quest to find the missing shard of a magical crystal and restore order to his world, before the grotesque race of Skeksis find and use the crystal for evil.
Directed by
Frank Oz, Jim Henson
Frank Oz
Aughra, a Keeper of Secrets / Chamberlain
Dave Goelz
Fizzgig, a Friendly Monster / General, Garthim Master
Billie Whitelaw
Aughra (voice)
David Buck
Slave Master (voice)
Kiran Shah
Additional Performer
Steve Whitmire
Scientist (voice)
Deep Roy
Additional Performer
Barry Dennen
Chamberlain / Podling (voice)
Sean Barrett
Urzah (voice)
Jack Purvis
Additional Performer
Louise Gold
Jerry Nelson
High Priestess / Dying Emperor (voice)
Kathryn Mullen
Kira, a Gelfling
Lisa Maxwell
Kira (voice)
Miki Iveria
Podling (voice)
Brian Froud
Joseph O'Conor
Narrator / Urskeks (voice)
Brian Meehl
Ornamentalist / Urzah / Dying Master
Stephen Garlick
Jen (voice)
Percy Edwards
Fizzgig (voice)
Bob Payne
Historian, Scroll Keeper
Michael Kilgarriff
General (voice)
John Baddeley
Historian (voice)
Charles Collingwood
Treasurer (voice)
Patrick Monckton
Podling (voice)
Susan Westerby
Podling (voice)
Thick Wilson
Gourmand (voice)
Katharina Kubrick

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