Comedy Action Drama Adventure
Former Sergeant Diogenes Hernandez owns the Universal, a precarious detective agency private in the Centre of Bogotá, which is based in the same apartment where he and his wife Fabiola inhabit. His nephew, Clemente Fernández, who works at the Agency, maintains a romance with Fabiola, without trying to hurt the feelings of his uncle, but driven by the need to alleviate their empty urban and anonymous man.
Directed by
Felipe Aljure
Written by
Manuel Arias, Felipe Aljure, Guillermo Calle
Álvaro Rodríguez
Diógenes Hernández
Robinson Díaz
Clemente Hernández
Ramon Agirre
Gastón, cliente
Aizpea Goenaga
Jennifer Steffens
Fabiola Hernández
Ana Marí­a Aristizabal
Margarita (as Ana María Aristizábal)
Juana Mendiola
César Badillo

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