Thriller Crime Drama Romance
François, an ordinary Joe, falls hard for the sublimely beautiful woman who has just picked him up on the train and invited him to spend the weekend with her on the Riviera. But when the lady disappears the next morning and the police drag him in for questioning, François discovers he's been set up to pass for her notorious outlaw husband on the run, Anthony Zimmer. Even though he's been lied to and manipulated, François' life is changed forever and he's ready to give anything - maybe even his life - to hold this mysterious beauty in his arms again.
Directed by
Jérôme Salle
Sophie Marceau
Gilles Lellouche
Yvan Attal
François Taillandier / Anthony Zimmer
Sami Frey
Gwenaël Clause
Policier Civil
Alain Figlarz
Douanier Taxi
Samir Guesmi
Nicky Marbot
Douanier 1
Daniel Olbrychski
Olivier Brocheriou
Infirmier Scanner
Dimitri Rataud
Pierre Rousselle
Homme Nassaiev
Laurent Klug
Homme Discret
Yves Penay
Réceptionniste Hotel
Christophe Odent
Président Commission
José Fumanal
Réceptionniste Negresco
Alban Casterman
Jeune Douanier
Yann de Monterno
Serveur Carlton
Arnaud Duléry
Garçon Train Bleu
Olivier Chenevat
Douanier 2
Luc Chavy
Membre Commission
Richard Delestre
Room Manager Carlton
Thierry Humbert
Garçon de café Nice
Marc Diabira
Contrôleur Bus
Frédéric Vaysse
Contrôleur TGV
Christophe Mahoudeaux
Stewart TGV
Aurélien Jegou
Jeune Garçon Train Bleu
Patrick Jacquet
Homme Nassaiev
Valery Novikau
Homme Nassaiev
Nicolas Tarev
Homme Nassaiev

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