Drama Horror Thriller
Bizarre nightmares plague Regan MacNeil four years after her possession and exorcism. Has the demon returned? And if so, can the combined faith and knowledge of a Vatican investigator and a research specialist free her from its grasp?
Directed by
John Boorman
Written by
William Goodhart, Rospo Pallenberg
James Earl Jones
Older Kokumo
Linda Blair
Regan MacNeil
Louise Fletcher
Dr. Gene Tuskin
Max von Sydow
Father Lankester Merrin
Ned Beatty
Dana Plato
Sandra Phalor (uncredited)
Richard Burton
Father Philip Lamont
Paul Henreid
The Cardinal
Hank Garrett
Marianne Muellerleile
Patient (uncredited)
Kitty Winn
Sharon Spencer
Richard Paul
Man on the Plane
Rose Portillo
Spanish Girl
Ken Renard
Belinda Beatty
Barbara Cason
Mrs. Phalor
Tiffany Kinney
Deaf Girl
Joey Green
Young Kokumo
Fiseha Dimetros
Young Monk
Lorry Goldman
Accident Victim
Bill Grant
Taxi Driver
Shane Butterworth
Gary Tuskin
Joely Adams
Linda Tuskin
Robert Lussier
Charles Parks
George Skaff
Kelley Karel
Singer (uncredited)
Karen Knapp
Pazuzu (uncredited)

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