Romance Action Adventure Crime Mystery
As the daring thief Arsène Lupin ransacks the homes of wealthy Parisians, the police, with a secret weapon in their arsenal, attempt to ferret him out.
Directed by
Jean-Paul Salomé
Eva Green
Kristin Scott Thomas
Mathieu Carrière
le duc d'Orléans
Romain Duris
Arsène Lupin
Marie Bunel
Henriette Lupin
Aurélien Wiik
Jean Lupin
Philippe Magnan
Philippe Lemaire
Le cardinal d'Etigues
Pascal Greggory
Robin Renucci
Le duc de Dreux-Soubise
Patrick Toomey
Françoise Lépine
La duchesse
Adèle Csech
Clarisse enfant
Jessica Boyde
La femme aux diamants
Guillaume Huet
Arsène Lupin enfant

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