Action Comedy
Everyone abuses and humiliates a downtrodden orphan until he befriends an old man, who turns out to be the last master of the snake fist fighting style. Jackie becomes the old man's student and finds himself in battle with the master of the eagle's claw style, who has vowed to destroy the snake fist clan.
Directed by
Yuen Wo-Ping
Jackie Chan
Chien Fu
Fung Ging-Man
Teacher Chui
Yuen Siu-Tien
The Beggar / Pai Chang Tien
Dean Shek
Teacher Lee
Peter Chan Lung
Teacher Lian
Hwang Jang-Lee
Master Shang Kuan Yin
Fung Hak-On
Master Chao Chi-Chih
Chiang Kam
Tao Kuei
Tino Wong
Three Provinces Champ
Hsu Hsia
Su Chen
Wynn Lau
Charlie Chan Yiu-Lam
Master Hung
Roy Horan

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