Comedy Drama
Catita is a simple and poor woman who dreams of that her son stands out on something important to help her out of his humble. But she opposes to him being boxer, therefore constantly fighting with her husband.
Directed by
Chano Urueta
Libertad Lamarque
Miguel Arenas
Don Ramiro
Lupe Carriles
Invitada a fiesta (uncredited)
Marcelo Chávez
Rosita Arenas
Germán Valdés
Tin Tan
Eduardo Alcaraz
Señor Maccini (uncredited)
Jaime Fernández
Espectador del fútbol americano (uncredited)
Wolf Ruvinskis
Pablo Rivas
Gloria Mestre
Agustín Lara
Joaquín Pardavé
Don Choforito Moreno
Armando Acosta
Espectador del boxeo (uncredited)
Niní Marshall
Doña Lupe; Cándida (as Nini Marshal)
Fernando Fernández
Salvador Quiroz
Doctor (uncredited)
Beatriz Aguirre
Doña Rosa Morfín Valenzuela
Carlos Robles Gil
Espectador del boxeo (uncredited)
Pascual García Peña
Asistente del Choforito (uncredited)
Pepe del Río
Nacho (as José del Río)
Lina Salomé
Jesús Gómez
Espectador del boxeo (uncredited)
Miguel Ángel López
Espectador del fútbol americano (uncredited)
Joaquín Roche
Espectador de la pelea del Choforito (uncredited)
José Muñoz
Espectador (uncredited)
Gregorio Acosta
Grandote en pelea del choforito (uncredited)
Daniel Arroyo
Invitado a fiesta (uncredited)
Cecilia Leger
Invitada a fiesta (uncredited)
Velia Lupercio
Invitada a fiesta (uncredited)
José Pardavé
Invitado a fiesta (uncredited)
Humberto Rodríguez
Invitado a fiesta (uncredited)
María Valdealde
Invitada a fiesta (uncredited)
Hernán Vera
Invitado a fiesta (uncredited)
Stephen Berne
Entrenador (uncredited)
Maria Luisa Cortés
La murcielaga (uncredited)
Conchita Gentil Arcos
Empleada de doña Lupe (uncredited)
Álvaro Matute
Chofer (uncredited)
José Luis Moreno
Niño (uncredited)
Antonio «Pícoro» Padilla
Anunciador (uncredited)
Julio Sotelo
Anunciador (uncredited)

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