Drama Romance War
In Mexican Revolution times, a guerrilla general and his troops take the conservative town of Cholula, near by Mexico City. As the revolutionaries mistreat the town's riches, General Reyes falls for beautiful and wild Beatriz Peñafiel, the daughter of one of the town's richest men.
Directed by
Emilio Fernández
Written by
Benito Alazraki
Pedro Armendáriz
Gen. José Juan Reyes
María Félix
Beatriz Peñafiel
José Torvay
Maestro Apolonio Sánchez
Juan García
Capt. Quiñones
Emilio Fernández
Manuel Dondé
Fidel Bernal
Eduardo Arozamena
Mayor Joaquín Gómez
Fernando Fernández
Priest Rafael Sierra
Miguel Inclán
Capt. Bocanegra
Arturo Soto Rangel
Juez (uncredited)
Pascual García Peña
José Morcillo
Carlos Peñafiel
Eugenio Rossi
Eduardo Roberts
Norma Hill
Rosa de Bernal
Daniel Arroyo
Invitado a boda (uncredited)
Cecilia Leger
Invitada a boda (uncredited)
Guillermo Calles
Bit Part (uncredited)
Rogelio Fernández
Rogelio (uncredited)
Manuel Pozos
Don Chonito (uncredited)
Enriqueta Reza
Manuela (uncredited)
Beatriz Germán Fuentes

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