Comedy Horror
It's been some time since Father Jebedaiah Mayii exorcised the Devil from little Nancy Aglet, who is now grown up with a husband and two children of her own. But the prince of darkness wants to go a second round and has returned to repossess her! With Father Mayii unwilling to help, Father Luke Brophy tries his best to help Nancy, even when TV's Ernest Weller plans to air the exorcism live on TV.
Directed by
Bob Logan
Julie Strain
Aerobics / Locker Room Nude Girl (uncredited)
Linda Blair
Nancy Aglet
Leslie Nielsen
Father Jebedaiah Mayii
Willie Garson
Nerd Student
Melissa Moore
Bimbo Student
Ned Beatty
Ernest Weller
Benj Thall
Ned Aglet
Robert Fuller
Dr. Hackett
Floyd Levine
Frank Lot
Ian Abercrombie
Ice Tea Waiter (uncredited)
Jesse Ventura
Barbara Alyn Woods
Woman in Elevator
Anthony Starke
Father Luke Brophy
John Ingle
Father Crosby
Ben Kronen
Father Nash
Lana Schwab
Fanny Ray Weller
Jake Steinfeld
Thom Sharp
Braydon Aglet
Eugene Greytak
The Pope
Jack LaLanne
Sheryl Bernstein
Lady with Snake
Bryan O'Byrne
Father Stills
Wally George
Gene Okerlund
Joseph V. Perry
Special Effects Man
Bob Zany
Man on Studio Tour
Dove Dellos
Freida Aglet
Jacquelyn Masche
Nancy's Mother
Erna Gregory
Richard Halpern
Carol Shermer
Kathy Topia
Gary Howe Scott
Murray Langston
Man in Car
Melissa Shear
Woman in Car
Glen Vincent
Man in Elevator
Douglas W. Kelly
TV Doctor
Greg Lewis
Goatee Dr. #1
John Copage
Goatee Dr. #2
Dani Douthette
Goatee Dr. #3
Marc Siegler
Blind Man on Street
Chuck Kovacic
Ollie North
Peggy Faracy
Church Hostess
May Quigley
Sister Brothers
Annie Waterman
Nun in Retirement Home
Roger Scott
TV Newscaster
Nancy Kaine
Nun in Window
Fred D. Scott
Father Young
Johnny Dark
Aaron Kurtz
Aaron Baker
Norman Large
Gay Bodybuilder
Karen Person
Aerobics Instructor
Charlotte J. Helmkamp
Incredible Girl
Army Archerd
Bob Drew
Stage Manager
Frazer Smith
George A. Simonelli
Hood #1
Dawn Mazzella
Tour Guide
Sara Matthews
Inflated Girl in Gym (uncredited)
Tom Morga

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