Drama Music Crime
Left alone after her mother runs off with another man and her father kills himself, Elena attempts to make a new life for herself in a new city. Believing he's a friend, Elena goes to dinner with "Pretty Boy" Lucio, but he drugs her champagne and sells her to Rosaura, who runs a brothel out of her nightclub. Elena becomes a sensation as a dancer, but all the while she nurtures plans of revenge against those who have conspired against her.
Directed by
Alberto Gout
Written by
Carlos Sampelayo, Alvaro Custodio
Rubén Rojo
Mario Cervera
Miguel Manzano
El Rana
Jorge Mondragón
Pacomio Rodríguez
Tito Junco
Lucio Saenz
Ninón Sevilla
Elena Tejero
Andrea Palma
Rosaura de Cervera
Maruja Grifell
Consuelo Tejero, Elena's mother
Miguel Inclán
María Gentil Arcos
Petra, Rosaura's maid
Luis López Somoza
Ricardo Cervera
Pedro Vargas
Himself - Singer
Ana María González
Herself - Singer
Armando Osório
Arturo Soto Ureña

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