Adventure Comedy Romance
The Griswalds win a vacation to Europe on a game show, and so pack their bags for the continent. They do their best to catch the flavor of Europe, but they just don't know how to be be good tourists. Besides, they have trouble taking holidays in countries where they CAN speak the language.
Directed by
Amy Heckerling
William Zabka
Chevy Chase
Clark Griswold
John Astin
Robbie Coltrane
Man in the Bathroom
Dana Hill
Audrey Griswold
Beverly D'Angelo
Ellen Griswold
Eric Idle
The Bike Rider
Moon Unit Zappa
Rusty's California Girl
Mel Smith
Hotel Manager
Maureen Lipman
Lady in the Bed
Jason Lively
Russell 'Rusty' Griswold
Jacques Herlin
Hotel Desk Clerk
Derek Deadman
Taxi Driver
Ballard Berkeley
2nd Motorist
Malcolm Danare
The Froeger's Son
Cynthia Szigeti
Mrs. Froeger
Willy Millowitsch
Fritz Spritz
Jacques Maury
Hotel's Assistant Manager
Jeannette Charles
The Queen
Erika Wackernagel
Helga Spritz
Claudia Neidig
Rusty's German Girl
Elizabeth Arlen
Mrs. Garland
Paul McDowell
1st Motorist
Angus MacKay
Announcer at Court
Peter Hugo
Prince Charles
Julie Wooldridge
Princess Diana

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