Drama Horror
Taunted by visions of Mary Magdalene, who reveals the confessions of the younger nuns at the convent, the Mother Superior's mind is filled with the violent, sexual acts of her fellow sisters.
Directed by
Nigel Wingrove
Written by
Nigel Wingrove
Emily Booth
Williams Girl
Christopher Adamson
Father Peter
Eileen Daly
Michelle Thorne
Sister Sarah
Hannah Callow
Sister Helena
Majella Shepherd
Novice Catherine
Anneka Svenska
Sister Ann
Amanda Dawkins
Sister Mary
Kristina Bill
Mary Magdalene
Sally Tremaine
Mother Superior
Moyna Cope
Simon Hill
Abbot - Father Henry
Marc Morris
Louise Ross
Mad Nun
Leasa Carlyon
Nun / Peasant
Laura Plair
Mary Grant
Nicole Bouchet
Incarcerated Nun / Sister Helen
Cindy Read
Whipping Nun / Female Christ
Louise Linehan
Maid Marion
Cassandra Bochsler
Sister Teresa
Sarah McLean
Sister Jane

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