Comedy Drama
Talented 20-year-old Lolita dreams of a singing career. But her self-esteem is low due to her weight problem and her narcissistic father, Étienne, a literary star with scant interest in his daughter's life. Lolita finds little comfort in the attentions of her vocal coach, suspecting the woman is using her to meet her influential father. Étienne's second wife proves to be Lolita's only trustworthy ally in her private battle to find a sense of worth.
Directed by
Agnès Jaoui
Samir Guesmi
Le badaud 2
Marilou Berry
Lolita Cassard
Serge Riaboukine
Jean-Pierre Bacri
Étienne Cassard
Grégoire Oestermann
Agnès Jaoui
Sylvia Millet
Michèle Moretti
Yves Verhoeven
Le badaud 1
Virginie Desarnauts
Karine Cassard
Laurent Grévill
Pierre Millet
Jacques Boko
Le videur
Keine Bouhiza
Jean-Pierre Lazzerini
Le chauffeur de taxi

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