Comedy Romance
A stewardess becomes romantically involved with an airline pilot, a college professor, and a successful businessman...all of whom are named Mike. When the three find out about each other, she has to decide which one she loves the most.
Directed by
Charles Walters
Jeff Donnell
Alice Raymend
Barry Sullivan
Mike Tracy
Howard Keel
Mike Jamison
Jane Wyman
Marcy Lewis
Don McGuire
MacWade Parker
Van Johnson
Michael Lawrence
Percy Helton
Mr. Hawkins (uncredited)
Hugh Sanders
Mr. Williams
Barbara Billingsley
Ann White
Phyllis Kirk
Kathy Hunter
Lewis Martin
C.R. Smith
Herbert Heyes
Scott Bellemy
Anne Sargent
Jan Baker
John Maxwell
Dr. Matthew Hardy
Robert Sherwood
Hazel Dohlman
Commuter (uncredited)

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