Comedy Drama
After her husband runs off with his secretary, Terry Wolfmeyer is left to fend for herself -- and her four daughters. As she hits rock bottom, Terry finds a friend and drinking buddy in next-door neighbor Denny, a former baseball player. As the two grow closer, and her daughters increasingly rely on Denny, Terry starts to have reservations about where their relationship is headed.
Directed by
Mike Binder
Kevin Costner
Denny Davies
Alicia Witt
Hadley Wolfmeyer
Joan Allen
Terry Wolfmeyer
Keri Russell
Emily Wolfmeyer
Evan Rachel Wood
Popeye Wolfmeyer
Erika Christensen
Andy Wolfmeyer
Danny Webb
Grey Wolfmeyer
Owen Oakeshott
Builder Foreman
Mike Binder
Adam 'Shep' Goodman
William Tapley
Dr. Lewis
Dane Christensen
Gordon Reiner
Suzanne Bertish
Stina Quagebeur
Ballet Dancer
David Firth
David Senior
Magdalena Manville
Richard Mylan
Disc Jockey
Stephen Greif
Emily's Doctor
Peter Rnic
Bodyguard (uncredited)
Arthur Penhallow
Alison McWhinney
Ballet Dancer
Tom Harper
David Junior
Robert Perkins
Town Car Man
Bella Sabbagh
Radio Station Receptionist
Kathryn Wade
Ballet Dancer
Michelle Denholm
Ballet Dancer
Natalie Domanski
Ballet Dancer
Sophie Gorrod
Ballet Dancer
Carolyn Logan
Ballet Dancer
Natasha O'Brien
Ballet Dancer
Olivia Ratcliffe
Ballet Dancer
Laura Suttle
Ballet Dancer
Nicola Wallis
Ballet Dancer
Miki Weatherford
Ballet Dancer
Nao Yamazato
Ballet Dancer
Gavin Munn
Wedding Band - The Gavin Munn Band
Nicholas White
Wedding Band - The Gavin Munn Band
Peter Hajioff
Wedding Band - The Gavin Munn Band
Chris Banks
Wedding Band - The Gavin Munn Band
Roger Batting
Wedding Band - The Gavin Munn Band
Greg Bennett
Mourner (uncredited)

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