Fantasy Family Animation Adventure
What can two little mice possibly do to save an orphan girl who's fallen into evil hands? With a little cooperation and faith in oneself, anything is possible! As members of the mouse-run International Rescue Aid Society, Bernard and Miss Bianca respond to orphan Penny's call for help. The two mice search for clues with the help of an old cat named Rufus.
Directed by
Wolfgang Reitherman, Art Stevens, John Lounsbery
Mel Blanc
Bats (voice) (uncredited)
Bob Newhart
Bernard (voice)
Jeanette Nolan
Ellie Mae (voice)
John Fiedler
Owl (voice)
Dub Taylor
Digger (voice)
Michelle Stacy
Penny (voice)
Eva Gabor
Miss Bianca (voice)
Bernard Fox
The Chairman (voice)
Joe Flynn
Mr. Snoops (voice)
Peter Renaday
American Deligate (voice) (uncredited)
John McIntire
Rufus (voice)
Geraldine Page
Madame Medusa (voice)
Pat Buttram
Luke (voice)
George Lindsey
Rabbit (voice)
James MacDonald
Evinrude / Brutus / Nero (voice)
Robie Lester
Miss Bianca (singing voice, uncredited)
Jim Jordan
Orville (voice)
Bill McMillian
TV Announcer (voice)

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