Adventure Drama TV Movie
Teenage Robin and his family move from Kansas City to Seattle after winning the lottery. Robin attends Locksley Academy, a wealthy private school, where he – alongside some new friends – concocts a plan to help an injured friend whose surgery money is stolen by the head of a very wealthy corporation.
Directed by
Michael Kennedy
Written by
Larry Sugar, William T. Conway
Devon Sawa
Robin McAllister
Joshua Jackson
John Prince Jr.
Tyler Labine
Little John
Sarah Chalke
Marion Fitzwater
Tom Butler
John Prince Sr.
Fred Henderson
Sullivan Warner Sr.
Colin Cunningham
Walter Nottingham
Alf Humphreys
Grant McAllister
Chad Todhunter
Warner Jr.
Kevin Hansen
Gibson Jr.
Michael St. John Smith
Agent Seals
Robert Thurston
Dean Harvey
L. Harvey Gold
Lyle Gibson Sr.
Elizabeth Carol Savenkoff
Janet McAllister
Billy O'Sullivan
Will Scarlett
James Bell
Fr. Tuck
Julie Bond
Sister Angelina

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