Comedy Drama
Over the course of several years beginning in the 1950s, a man and his oddball family run hotels in New England and Vienna, as unexpected events change their lives forever.
Directed by
Tony Richardson
Jodie Foster
Franny Berry
Wallace Shawn
Rob Lowe
John Berry
Nastassja Kinski
Susie the Bear
Beau Bridges
Win Berry
Wilford Brimley
Iowa Bob
Joely Richardson
Paul McCrane
Frank Berry
Amanda Plummer
Miss Miscarriage
Seth Green
Egg Berry
Anita Morris
Ronda Ray
Timothy Webber
Sharon Noble
Anthony Ulc
Chip Dove Gang Member
Matthew Modine
Chip Dove / Ernst
Michele Scarabelli
Chip Dove Girlfriend
Dorsey Wright
Junior Jones
Lorena Gale
Dark Inge
Jennifer Dundas
Lilly Berry
Arthur Grosser
American Man
Joan Heney
Connecticut Woman
Walter Massey
Lisa Banes
Mother Berry
Jonelle Allen
Sabrina Jones
Louis Di Bianco
Gayle Garfinkle
Doris Wales / Screaming Annie
Richard Jutras
Lenny Metz
Fred Döderlein
Finnish Doctor
Jean-Louis Roux
Old Billig
Wally Aspell
Hotel Manager
Jobst Oriwol
German Man
Linda Clark
German Woman
Norris Domingue
High School Band Conductor
Cali Timmins
Bitty Tuck
Johnny O'Neil
Chester Pulaski
Colin Irving
Chip Dove Gang Member
Nick Nardi
Chip Dove Gang Member
Charles Fournier
Howard Tuck
Young Sup Chung
Oriental Couple
Inhi Chung
Oriental Couple
Ada Fuoco
New Jersey Woman
Robert Thomas
Harold Swallow
Elie Oren
King of Mice
Roger Blay
Janine Manatis
Jade Bari
Adrian Aron
American Woman
Tara O'Donnell
American Daughter
Jyanna Horey
Bar Patron
Jeffrey Cohen
New York Journalist
Benoît Laberge
Bookstore Man
James V. Mathews
Reporter No. 2
Charles Biddle Jr.
Football Player (uncredited)

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