Crime Comedy Romance
A free-spirited woman "kidnaps" a yuppie for a weekend of adventure. But the fun quickly takes a dangerous turn when her ex-con husband shows up.
Directed by
Jonathan Demme
Written by
E. Max Frye
Melanie Griffith
Audrey Hankel
Ray Liotta
Ray Sinclair
Margaret Colin
Jeff Daniels
Charles Driggs
Robert Ridgely
Richard Graves
Anna Thomson
The Girl in 3F
Charles Napier
Irate Chef
Tracey Walter
The Country Squire
Jack Gilpin
Larry Dillman
Laurie Anderson
Chip Taylor
Dana Preu
'Sister' Carol East
George 'Red' Schwartz
Counter Man
Leib Lensky
Maggie T.
Country Squire Bulldog
Patricia Falkenhain
Charlie's Secretary
Buzz Kilman
TV Newscaster
Adelle Lutz
Jim Roche
Motel Philosopher
The Texas Kid
Hitchhiking Cowboy
Byron D. Hutcherson
Hitchhiking Kid
Eleana Hutcherson
Hitchhiking Kid
Thomas Cavano
Guitar Player
Dorothy Demme
Junk Store Gal
Emma Byrne
Junk Store Gal
Mary Ardella Drew
Donna Penski
Joseph Lee Davis
James Williams
James Hurd
Stylish Reunion Couple
Joanna Kitchen-Hurd
Stylish Reunion Couple
Su Tissue
Peggy Dillman
Dung Chau
Robbery Victim
Steven Scales
John Montgomery
Harmonica Slim
Kristin Olsen
Vic Blair
Cowboy Maitre d'
D. Stanton Miranda
Motorcycle Dog
Johnny Marrs
Motorcycle Driver
George Henry Wyche Jr.
Police Officer
Marilee K. Smith
Police Officer
Jeffrey R. Rioux
Police Officer
Jeff Herig
Police Officer
Gil Lazier
Homicide Detective

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