Thriller Sci-Fi TV Movie
In futuristic Los Angeles, a crime-fighting organization known as Condor goes up against the Black Widow, a female master criminal. The Black Widow steals the national security code and threatens to blow up Hollywood unless her old enemy, Proctor, a Condor operative, is turned over to her.
Directed by
Virgil W. Vogel
Written by
Chuck Menville, Len Janson
Ray Wise
Christopher Proctor
Cassandra Gava
James Avery
Carolyn Seymour
Rachel Hawkins
Tony Epper
2nd Cop
Wendy Kilbourne
Lisa Hampton
Craig Stevens
Cyrus Hampton
Vic Polizos
Diana Bellamy
Opera Singer
Shawn Michaels
Watch Commander
Mario Roccuzzo
Catherine Battistone
Barbara Beckley
1st Watch Controller
Gene Bicknell
Myra Chason
Pirate Peta's Waitress

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