Drama Romance
When Lucy Honeychurch and chaperon Charlotte Bartlett find themselves in Florence with rooms without views, fellow guests Mr Emerson and son George step in to remedy the situation. Meeting the Emersons could change Lucy's life forever but, once back in England, how will her experiences in Tuscany affect her marriage plans?
Directed by
James Ivory
Julian Sands
George Emerson
Helena Bonham Carter
Lucy Honeychurch
Maggie Smith
Charlotte Bartlett
Judi Dench
Eleanor Lavish
Daniel Day-Lewis
Cecil Vyse
Rupert Graves
Freddy Honeychurch
Denholm Elliott
Mr. Emerson
Fabia Drake
Miss Catharine Alan
Peter Cellier
Sir Harry Otway
Kitty Aldridge
New Lucy
Amanda Walker
The Cockney Signora
James Wilby
Party Guest (uncredited)
Simon Callow
The Reverend Mr. Beebe
Rosemary Leach
Mrs. Honeychurch
Patrick Godfrey
The Reverend Mr. Eager
Joan Henley
Miss Teresa Alan
Isabella Celani
Mia Fothergill
Minnie Beebe
Maria Britneva
Mrs. Vyse
Luigi Di Fiore
Murdered Youth
Matyelok Gibbs
New Charlotte
Patricia Lawrence
Mrs Butterworth
Freddy Korner
Mr Floyd
Elizabeth Marangoni
Miss Poole
Mirio Guidelli
Santa Croce Guide
Lucca Rossi
Brigid Erin Bates
Maid at Windy Corner
Peter Munt
Luca Rossi
Stefano Serboli
Fighting Youth
Phillada Sewell
Lady at Sir Harry's Garden Party
Margaret Ward
Lady at Sir Harry's Garden Party

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